I’m so happy that ‘This, That, These and
Those’is finally in print and available!
This is something started about 15 years ago as a way of
entertaining my own little ones, and completed in lock-down (like many other people
I’m sure!).
It’s really simple but hopefully entertaining and
informative- helpingyoung ones with distance (demonstratives), singular and
plural, colour recognition and early rhyming skills.
I think it would also be useful for students whose first
language is not English with early translation skills and not only is on sale
in the Ireland, the UK and the US butis also availablein Japan- Kon’nichiwa!
Today I visited my local library in Cork, Watersones
(who are currently selling it on their web-site), and Dubray – and have posted
hard copies to two bookshops in my original home own ofWhitby, North Yorkshire
(Dracula’s berthing port!)I am also really hoping that Aer Lingus might
consider it as part of their “in flight” merchandise as they don’t really have
anything like it currently and one of the characters (the Hungarian VIzsla) is
dressed as a flight attendant in noticeably similar uniform!
Helen, my illustrator has reallytransformed my
nincompoop words into detailed and beautiful drawings just exactly as I had
envisioned them in my minds eye.
I met Helen, through her Mum, June who came to my dance
classes and I never thought that I’d be lucky enough to find someone who not
only is so talented but who has become a lovely friend (but I still prefer your
Mum, Helen!!)
Together, we are hoping to promote the book not only as an educational tool for primary schools but as an entertaining little read for anyone!
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